

  • Javascript & Typescript, Golang, Shell
  • CSS & CSS Framework
  • Unit & E2E Testing
  • RestAPI, gRPC, Web Socket
  • SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB)
  • NoSQL (MongoDB, Firestore, Redis)
  • Message Broker (RabbitMQ)
  • Git & CI/CD Pipelines
  • Linux & sh/bash
  • Docker & Kubernetes
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Teaching & Mentoring
  • Agile Framework


  • Bahasa IndonesiaNative Speaker
  • EnglishProfessional Proficiency


  • Universitas TerbukaEconomy ManagementJan 2023 - Currently (on hold)
  • SMKN 1 DepokVocational High School2013 - 2016


I am a versatile software developer, with a specific focus on web development.Passionate about informatics, I am dedicated to crafting seamless user experiencesand delivering my work with effective communication.

Grounded in the principles of honesty and simplicity, I approach any problem froman adaptive to a technical perspective with commitment to swift and efficientresolution.

Work Experience

  • Web Development Lecturer

    Purwadhika Digital School

    Jan, 2023 - Dec, 2023
    • teaching web development bootcamp program
    • handling technical lead / project manager position for bootcamp final project
    • providing feedback for alumni to start their career
    Teaching, Mentoring, ReactJS/NextJS, Nodejs, Typescript, SQL
  • Software Engineer

    PT. Nodeflux Teknologi Indonesia

    Jan, 2019 - Jun, 2022
    • Maintaining & developing core product (VisionAIre)
    • frontend using ReactJS & NextJS
    • backend using Golang
    • all packaged using docker image and deployed on GKE
    • Part of RnD teams for developing IoT product
    • Monitoring & Reporting problem on production server
    Golang, ReactJS, k8s, Gitlab CI/CD, RestAPI, gRPC, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, GCP
  • Fullstack Web Developer

    PT. Conexus Solusi

    Feb, 2018 - Jan, 2019
    • Developing personality assesment application, eg: MBTI, The Predictive Indexe, etc
    • Managing on-premise server infrastructure
    AngularJS, PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Web Socket, Linux (Ubuntu Server)
  • Junior Implementor

    PT. Spasi Indonesia

    Feb, 2017 - Feb, 2018
    • Costumizing HRIS specifically for training & development module.
    • Providing services directly to client / user
    PHP, SQL Server
  • Junior Web Developer

    PT. TNC Digital Media

    Jun, 2016 - Feb, 2017
    • Creating & costumizing website using wordpress, such as:
      • E-commerce
      • Blog
      • Company Profile
    • Costumizing wordpress plugin & theme
    PHP, CSS, Wordpress, SEO



I am a versatile software developer, with a specific focus on web development.Passionate about informatics, I am dedicated to crafting seamless user experiencesand delivering my work with effective communication.

Grounded in the principles of honesty and simplicity, I approach any problem froman adaptive to a technical perspective with commitment to swift and efficientresolution.

Work Experience

  • Web Development Lecturer

    Purwadhika Digital School

    Jan, 2023 - Dec, 2023
    • teaching web development bootcamp program
    • handling technical lead / project manager position for bootcamp final project
    • providing feedback for alumni to start their career
    Teaching, Mentoring, ReactJS/NextJS, Nodejs, Typescript, SQL
  • Software Engineer

    PT. Nodeflux Teknologi Indonesia

    Jan, 2019 - Jun, 2022
    • Maintaining & developing core product (VisionAIre)
    • frontend using ReactJS & NextJS
    • backend using Golang
    • all packaged using docker image and deployed on GKE
    • Part of RnD teams for developing IoT product
    • Monitoring & Reporting problem on production server
    Golang, ReactJS, k8s, Gitlab CI/CD, RestAPI, gRPC, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, GCP
  • Fullstack Web Developer

    PT. Conexus Solusi

    Feb, 2018 - Jan, 2019
    • Developing personality assesment application, eg: MBTI, The Predictive Indexe, etc
    • Managing on-premise server infrastructure
    AngularJS, PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Web Socket, Linux (Ubuntu Server)
  • Junior Implementor

    PT. Spasi Indonesia

    Feb, 2017 - Feb, 2018
    • Costumizing HRIS specifically for training & development module.
    • Providing services directly to client / user
    PHP, SQL Server
  • Junior Web Developer

    PT. TNC Digital Media

    Jun, 2016 - Feb, 2017
    • Creating & costumizing website using wordpress, such as:
      • E-commerce
      • Blog
      • Company Profile
    • Costumizing wordpress plugin & theme
    PHP, CSS, Wordpress, SEO


  • Javascript & Typescript, Golang, Shell
  • CSS & CSS Framework
  • Unit & E2E Testing
  • RestAPI, gRPC, Web Socket
  • SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB)
  • NoSQL (MongoDB, Firestore, Redis)
  • Message Broker (RabbitMQ)
  • Git & CI/CD Pipelines
  • Linux & sh/bash
  • Docker & Kubernetes
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Teaching & Mentoring
  • Agile Framework


  • Bahasa IndonesiaNative Speaker
  • EnglishProfessional Proficiency


  • Universitas TerbukaEconomy ManagementJan 2023 - Currently (on hold)
  • SMKN 1 DepokVocational High School2013 - 2016